Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Orientation Week

Tuesday was spent running around getting the basic things done. I got my Bond ID card, O-week package, medical insurance card, GoCard (for the bus), set up my IT account, and got my card swiped to get access to my building. Then we tried to get 18+ cards but you needed proof of residence which none of us had so we just decided to skip it and stopped by the liquor store on our way back to campus. Alcohol here is crazy expensive!! Everyone bought cheap 10-dollar white wine, and obviously I did too, but I also bought some Raspberry Absolut for $40. Next round I’m getting Malibu. That night we planned to go to a bar that was walking distance but met up with the rest of our Arcadia group and ended up getting maxi taxis and going to Surfer’s Paradise! We went to a bar and there was a live band that was actually not that bad and during their breaks they played normal music so we were all dancing and having a good time together.

Wednesday morning Mazz (our Arcadia leader) met us at the bus stop to take a trip to the Robina mall. We learned how to use our GoCards and how to figure out the bus system here. There are barely any stop signs in Australia; they use roundabouts. In Robina, we finally were able to buy our basic needs. I was DYING to get hand soap and paper towels and hangers. I like to line all my drawers with paper towels because as you all know I’m crazy clean like that. So basically I hadn’t unpacked my clothes until I got my paper towels. Anyways, we also bought phones, well everyone else bought a phone; I just needed a SIM card for my iPhone. Good thing I got it unlocked in the U.S. J I had to leave my phone off for half an hour and I turned it on when we were about to get on the bus to go back to Bond. My phone said “NO SIMCARD” So basically everyone left and I had to go back to Crazy John’s and figure out why my SIM card wasn’t working. Turns out its just a faulty SIM card so I got a new one and then had to figure out what bus to take to get back to Bond. I WAS ALL BY MYSELF. However, since I’m smart, I obviously figured it out no biggie. I got to the bus stop 10 minutes before the bus was supposed to come and I was starving so I went to get some Chips aka fries but they took FOREVER so I yelled at them and basically demanded them to give me something else because I was about to miss the bus. I’m sure the manager hated me but whatever I got a blueberry muffin and booked it to the bus stop. One lady was like “WHOA why are you in a hurry, relax” and I really wanted to say “that’s how we do it in America” but I just laughed and kept going. Unfortunately, I ended up missing the bus and had to wait another 25 minutes with my little blueberry muffin and no fries L But it’s okay it was an adventure. I met 2 girls on the bus on the way back. One was from Maine and one was from France! Anyways, after I got back I was exhausted and didn’t do much the rest of the day.

Thursday I played beach volleyball with some friends and then decided to shower early so I can try to use my straightener. I took a nice long shower and blow dried my hair and then got my adapter and my converter all ready. I plugged in my straighter and BOOOOOMMMM there was a huge spark. My roommate even saw it from her desk outside the bathroom. So basically my straightener is dead and won’t work back in the states either. AWESOME! :/ I had to shower again so I could leave my hair curly.  I got out my bright pink Bebe skirt and got ready for the Tight n’ Bright party. The party started at our on campus Bar, Don’s. Then we took shuttles to Surfer’s Paradise and went to Shooter’s nightclub. It was a lot of fun and I met lots of people, some from Germany, Switzerland and of course, Aussies. One of my friends went missing for like 2 hours and we were freaking out trying to find her then she finally appeared and they all wanted to go to pizza with the Aussies we met who offered to pay for their taxi home but that sounded sketch to me and they actually ended up at a strip club….not a male strip club… glad I didn’t go with them! I just got a cab home with one of my friends from the Arcadia program.

Friday! I woke up sick! Sore throat, coughing, runny nose, the usual. I took 2 zicams and pretty much rested the entire day because as everyone knows I HATE getting sick and I ALWAYS get sick and it sucks L I went to a movie night and it was outside and I was in shorts and tank top and got cold and left. I really should have packed more warm clothes.

Saturday was Aussie beach day! We took buses to the beach and tanned! The water was pretty cold but a lot of people went in. We went to find lunch and everyone wanted McDonald but since I was sick I needed healthier food so I got a turkey wrap. Oh and my school pretty much has NO FRUIT. At the beach I found a smoothie place that made juice and I paid $5 for a mix of apple/orange/pineapple/watermelon juice about ¼ the size of a sixteen Jamba Juice. I’m not even exaggerating. I spent the rest of the day resting, trying to get over my cold.

Sunday I went to Robina again in desperate need of blueberries. I bought SO MUCH FRUIT my dad should be very happy. I got 3 packs of blueberries, 2 packs of raspberries and a pack of strawberries. I also got apples and oranges and bananas. I also got a straightened since mine died and a bunch of other things. I looked up my schedule when I got back and my classes were finally straightened out! That was the end of O-week and week 1 was about to begin!

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