Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 1

The first week of school didn’t really feel like school at all. Monday I had Buddhist Philosophy. My teacher just so happens to be from Burlingame so she has a normal American accent. We had to fill out a survey with very vague deep questions. One question was “Who are you” and you couldn’t write about your gender, ethnicity, age, origin, talents or shortcomings. After class I went to the doctor. However, first I had to see the nurse, which was a waste of time. She looked at my throat and told me its red and I need to see the doctor, well OBVIOUSLY it’s red. I had to give the doctor some background and he told me I had a sinus infection but that’s probably because I told him I always get them after a cold. He prescribed me some medicine but when I told him I normally take azithromycin he gave me the Australian azithromycin instead. He also told me to use my inhaler and nasonex. Apparently he’s been telling everyone that goes in with a cold to get an inhaler.

Tuesday I had Love, Sex and Relationships, Immunology, and Buddhist Philosophy tutorial. I was late to all of my classes because for some reason I wrote down the wrong classrooms for all of them that morning. Sareen thinks it’s because of the mucus eye haha. My immunology teacher is French with a thick accent! At Bond, you have a lecture once a week for 2 hours and a tutorial once a week for an hour. Oh, and they don’t tell you when your finals are until week 6 which makes absolute no sense because 50% of the school is international and we need to know our schedule so we can book our flights. Anyways, after class one of my Aussie friends drove me to Robina so I can get my meds from the pharmacy. I had my parents talk to my normal doctor who’s pretty much my bff and she said I probably just have a cold so I didn’t bother with the antibiotics and we’ll see what happens in a few days.

Wednesday I had Australian Popular Culture and Love, Sex and Relationships tutorial. Then I went to the travel agent and discussed Cairns and the Whitsunday Islands. After hours of talking to my parents and friends I decided to the Cairns package which includes 3 nights in a dorm, a day trip out to the Great Barrier Reef and a day of white water rafting. I was a bit iffy about this because as you all no I’m definitely not the “athletic” and “thrill-seeking” type and the white water rafting is class 5 so the most dangerous craziest one, but YOLO hopefully I don’t die. I’m hoping to take a trip to the Whitsunday Islands where you sail around on a boat for 2 days and 2 nights, my kind of trip. I also want to go to Sydney and possibly New Zealand but I’ll plan those later. At night there was a talent show in the amphitheater where all the Aussies went so I did too. Most people sang and one group performed a dance. They served Malaysian food and there was something that looked like a falafel but it was made of veggies and had peanut sauce and it was really good!

Thursday I booked my trip to Cairns! A huge chunk us Arcadia kids are all going the same weekend. They don’t have the extreme white water rafting available that weekend so we’re going on a different one that is calmer. YAYY!! The class 5 one is about 3 hours inland anyway and the one we’re going on is like half an hour away from Cairns. After booking the trip I went back to my room and tried out my new hair straightener! It’s not the best quality, but hey, it works! I had my Australian Popular Culture tutorial and then just hung out. At night, we went to Don’s and it was really fun! I was still sick so I was a good girl and didn’t drink J

Fridays I have no class. We had club day so I signed up for a bunch of clubs including the dance club, salsa club, Malaysian club (I hear they have good food) and beach volleyball. I also got a bunch of free VIP passes to the clubs in Surfer’s. After club day, we got on the bus and went to Burleigh Beach where Mazz had a BBQ for us. She made kangaroo sausages! It was REALLY good! We just hung out there for a few hours and watched a wedding. There was a really SKETCH guy on the bus on the way back. He was in his late 30s/40s and was wearing an army suit and had horrible teeth. I tried not to stare so I just listened to him talk to the guy behind him. He said the strangest things! He talked about the Cookie Monster, celebrity hook ups, and said “On the 4th day, God made plans, and the magical marijuana”. Oh, and he does not know how to cough properly. You’re supposed to cough in your elbow; he coughed in his hands, but not even. He like coughed on his fingertips and me being already sick FREAKED OUT. I was so relieved when we finally got back to Bond and could get off the bus! At night we watched the movie 17again and it was SO CUTE; I had never seen it before! In the middle of the movie I ended up actually leaving to go fishing. Little did I know it was going to be me and 8 guys, but I feel like I always end up in those situations haha. We caught 4-5 fish in the lake and then used them as bait to fish for sharks! I left early though and came back to my dorm and watched the rest of the movie and showered and slept.

Saturday was a really chill day; I didn’t do much. I started to look over what I had to for my classes, but got distracted. We ended up going to varsity shores and played beer die, but only 1/3 of us was drinking so she drank for all of us haha. It was a good ratio though, 3 girls and like 10 guys. I met some Californians! After that we had a dinner break and then went to our friends’ apartment at the Cape where everyone pregamed to go out but I decided to stay in. I’m a baby when I’m sick. I REALLY hope I get better soon.

Sunday was also relaxed. I went to Robina to get groceries. I was in desperate need of fruit! I also bought bread since they pretty much don’t have bread here. I bought 4 packs of TimTams; they are DELICIOUS! After Robina I figured out how to print things in the library so I printed out a bunch of documents for my classes. I did homework for a bit. I also figured out we can rent movies from the library, I got Silence of the Lambs; I LOVE scary movies, and I’m weird I like to watch them by myself on my computer before I sleep, and yes I can sleep after I watch a scary movie. At night there were fireworks over the lake! There was music playing and the fireworks went off for about 10 minutes, they were so pretty! I ran into a friend on the way back to my room and we had a good chat about life; I love hearing other people’s perspectives and how they go about living their life. 

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